*Today's Sermon* Topic: Makings Plans/Covenant with the help of God. Text: Deuteronomy 7 vs 1-25 Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 7 vs 9 -11. God knows how to keep covenant and promises for thousands of years through a generational line. That means our covenant does not end with us, it goes down for another thousands of years. - Ecclesiastes 9 vs 1-10 and vs 2* We are all the same and share a common destiny. No matter what you are using to separate or identify yourself from others it doesn't matter because we are all headed the same direction. Live right now and follow God. - John 3 vs 10-21 Men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Anyone who does evil hates light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. - Deuteronomy 20 vs 10-19 God has been giving strategies to win and overpower our enemies right from the beginning and He has been doing a great work fulfilling all His promises to those who has made Allegiance with Him in the past. - Job 23 vs 1-17 God is a respecter of no man and He still listens to the complains of an upright man. - Psalm 9 vs 1-20 God Judges with righteousness. - Psalm 20 vs 1-9 Confirmation that God answers prayers. May The Lord bless the listening and doing of His words in Jesus' name. Amen

Теги других блогов: John Deuteronomy Ecclesiastes Job Psalm